Welcome to the New Moms section. Here you will find valuable evidence-based information to support your breastfeeding journey.
Five Ways to Get the Breastfeeding Support You Deserve

Continue to make the best decisions for you and your baby and get the breastfeeding support you deserve in all areas of your life!
1. When possible, choose a maternity/birth center that has implemented best practices that support breastfeeding.
A maternity/birth center who has implemented optimal practices for breastfeeding support are designated as a Baby-Friendly facility by Baby-Friendly, USA.
These facilities have implemented the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, which includes having staff trained in breastfeeding support, encouraging early and continuous skin to skin, etc.
Additionally, North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services operates a program where maternity/birth centers are awarded one star for every two steps of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding implemented. These facilities are working toward quality improvement in breastfeeding support services. Click the link to find the NC Maternity Center Breastfeeding-Friendly Designation Program Awardees.
2. Choose a breastfeeding friendly clinic to support you and your baby as you both grow in this journey.
Click the link to find the recent Family Friendly Clinic Awardees. If your clinic is not a Family Friendly Clinic, encourage them to become one.
3. Choose a breastfeeding friendly child care center to continue to support your breastfeeding efforts.
Click the link to find the recent NC Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Designation Awardees. If your child care center does not have the NC Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Designation, encourage them to start the process today.
4. Know your rights as you return to work.
The PUMP Act states that your work is required to provide a space for pumping and break time to do so. If you have questions about your rights, contact a Better Balance by calling 1-833-NEED-ABB or using the online form or the Center for WorkLife Law by calling 415-703-8276 or hotline@worklifelaw.org.
Be aware and advocate for yourself. Check to see if your employer is a North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition Employers & Community Partners Awardee. If not, encourage them to begin the process today. Check out this resource: What to Expect from Your Employer When You're Expecting.
5. Get help if you need it!
Find a lactation consultant in your area who can answer your questions and guide you through any lactation difficulties. Also, join a support group full of others who are going through the same stages as you!
Call the Appalachian Breastfeeding Hotline for 24-Hour breastfeeding support 888-588-3423.
Find out if you are eligible to participate in the WIC Program. The WIC Program provides participants with prenatal anticipatory breastfeeding guidance, breastfeeding assistance, peer counselor support, supplemental foods to support breastfeeding parents, and breastfeeding aids when needed.
Lactation Concerns

- Breast refusal (Lactation Education Resources)
- Colicky baby (Lactation Education Resources)
- Engorgement (Lactation Education Resources)
- Flat or inverted nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Increasing milk supply (Lactation Education Resources)
- Latch and positioning (Lactation Education Resources)
- Milk let down (Lactation Education Resources)
- Plugged Milk Duct and Mastitis (Lactation Education Resources)
- Signs of a good feeding (Lactation Education Resources)
- Sore nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Thrush (La Leche League GB)
- Tongue tie (Lactation Education Resources)
- Waking a sleeping baby (Lactation Education Resources)
Online Courses

Online Courses for New Moms
- Breastfeeding 101: From Prenatal Prep to Pumping | Tinyhood
- Ready Set Baby Live Online Classes - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Online Courses for New Dads
- Strong Start: Dad’s Role in Supporting Breastfeeding
- If your business or clinic is interested in QR Code cards to provide to new dads, please contact info@breastfeednc.com for more information.

Prenatal Resources
- 101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Child — The Natural Child Project
- Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom - HealthyChildren.org
- Colostrum: Your Baby's First Meal - HealthyChildren.org
- Considering Breastfeeding?
- Fish during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
- Prenatal Education Breastfeeding and Maternal Self-Care
- QuitlineNC
- The PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act: What You Should Know
- What to Expect from Your Employer When You're Expecting
- Why It Matters | Breastfeeding | CDC
- WIC Breastfeeding Support
Resources for After Baby’s Arrival
- Alcohol & Breast Milk - HealthyChildren.org
- Birth Control and Breastfeeding - HealthyChildren.org
- Breastfeeding and Dental Health - American Dental Association (mouthhealthy.org)
- A Breastfeeding Checklist: Are You Nursing Correctly? - HealthyChildren.org
- Bring Home Baby
- Diet considerations for Breastfeeding mothers
- How to Keep Your Breast Pump Kit Clean
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Making It Work Toolkit
- Mother Baby Fact Sheets
- Out and About with Baby
- Physician Guide to Breastfeeding
- Proper Storage and Preparation of Breast Milk - CDC
- Storage and Preparation of Breast Milk (cdc.gov)
- The PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act: What You Should Know
Online Courses for Mom
- Breastfeeding 101: From Prenatal Prep to Pumping | Tinyhood
- Ready Set Baby Live Online Classes – UNC Gillings School of Global Public Healt
Printable Resources
Finding Support

Find Lactation Support in Your Area
- Find Lactation Support in Your Area (North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition Resources by County)
- NC A&T Community-Based Outpatient Clinic
Link to book appointments: https://intakeq.com/booking/d9hefb
336-285-3176 - Dr. Sierra Bizzell
Ultimate Fertility Consultant
Breastfeeding Classes
- Appalachian Regional Healthcare System
- Breastfeeding Classes Charlotte, NC
- Carolina East Health System
- Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (Virtual)
- Catawba Valley Medical Center
- Cone Health
- ECU Health Chowan Hospital
- Gaston County Health Department t
- Mission Health
- Onslow County Health Department
- Scotland County WIC
- UNC Health Johnston
- UNC Health Wayne
- UNC Medical Center
- UNC REX Healthcare
- Wake Med
Maternal Health Support
- Baby Love Program (Edgecombe, Halifax, Nash, and Pitt counties)
- Nurse Family Partnership (For First Time Moms)
- Sister Song - Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective
Postpartum Support
- 4th Trimester Project
- National Maternal Mental Health Hotline 1-833-943-5746 (1-833-9-HELP 4 MOMS)
Find Breastfeeding Support Groups and Safe Public Spaces
Add Your Support Group Here- Alimentación Segura Infa
- Asian-Pacific Islander Breastfeeding Resources Library- Breastfeed Durham
- Baby Cafe USA
- Black Maternal Health Organizations- Breastfeed Durham
- Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association
- Breastfeeding and Autism Spectrum Disorder- Breastfeed Durham
- Chowan Breastfeeding Support Group
- Carolina East - Mommy and Me Postpartum and Breastfeeding Support Group
- Chocolate Milk Café - Raleigh – Second Tuesday of Every Month from 6:30-8pm EST, open virtually statewide. Join our Raleigh Facilitators for a Virtual Chocolate Milk Café meeting. Chocolate Milk Café provides a FREE peer-led support group for families of the African Diaspora on their lactating journey to provide their children with human milk. Our virtual meetings are monthly and intended to provide a sacred space for the families within our community. This event has a time restriction and is scheduled to last 1 hour 30 minutes. Ending at 8pm eastern. Please try to be on time. Facilitators may choose to end a session after 30 minutes, if no attendees enter the session. Registrants of our meetings will be added to our email list to receive reminders for our chapter's upcoming meetings and updates from our national organization.
- Daddy BEANS - mentoring program serves as a forum for African American fathers (Virtual, last Saturday of the month, 1-2:30pm)
- La Leche League
- LGBTQIA+ Resources- Breastfeed Durham
- LLL of Ballantyne Support Group for expecting and nursing parents.
Location: Atrium Health Waxhaw (2700 Providence Road S. Suite 300, Waxhaw, NC 28173) in the Community Room and online; meets every third Saturday 10 am; serves Mecklenburg, Union, Statewide (Virtual) - Mahogany Milk Support Group
Mahogany Milk Drops (Teen & Young Adult Support)
Meetings every 3rd Thursday from 6-7 pm at the Greensboro YWCA
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1669020316698427/members/ info@mahoganymilk.com
Link to register for virtual meetings: https://www.instagram.com/mahoganymilk/ - NC State MILK Club — Mondays 9:30-11:00am. Amplify Church, 2884 NC-42, Willow Spring, NC 27592. As a program housed at a land-grant institution, we have an outreach and extension program dedicated to the support of breastfeeding within North Carolina communities. Our goal is to reach underserved geographic areas; therefore, we meet at a location that reaches multiple populations with limited or no access to breastfeeding support (i.e. residents of Southern Wake County, Western Johnston County, and Northern Harnett County).
- North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition
- North Carolina Regional Breastfeeding Coalitions
- Queen City Cocoa BEANS - (Virtual Cafes, 1st Saturday of the Month 1-2:30pm or 3rd Wednesday of the month 6:30-8pm)
- Triangle Area Parent Support
Equity Focused Resources
- Asian-American Breastfeeding Resources
- African American/Black Breastfeeding Resources
- Hispanic/Latinx Breastfeeding Resources
- LGBTQIA+ Resources
Interested in Becoming a Lactation Support Professional?
- Human Lactation Pathway 2 Programs:
- North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
Human Lactation Pathway 2 Program
Graduate Certificate Program
336-285-3176 - Johnson C. Smith University
Human Lactation Pathway 2 Program
Certificate Program
- North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
Need Food? Find Help Here

Programs That Can Help
SNAP Screener
SNAP provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency. - WIC Screener
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 who are found to be at nutritional risk.
- Find help with basic needs like food, housing, transportation, utilities, and more: NC 211
- Find Your Local Food Pantry
- Food and Nutrition Services (Food Stamps)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
- NC Food and Nutrition Resource Programs
- North Carolina State Nutrition Action Coalition (NC SNAC)
- North Carolina WIC
- North Carolina WIC Families - Referral Form