Welcome to the Provider section. Here you will find valuable evidence-based information to help support your breastfeeding patients, prenatally and post-partum. Be sure to visit the section on breastfeeding designations and awards for your practice or health system.
For Patient Care

- Printable Resources for Patients
- Online Courses for New Moms and Dads
- Food Insecurity in Prenatal and Postpartum Patients
- Breastfeeding Support Group Ideas and Resources
Breastfeeding Awards and Recognitions
Clinic Breastfeeding Awards/Recognitions
- North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition Employers & Community Partners Award
- North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition Family Friendly Clinic Award for Outpatient Clinics
Hospital/Maternity Center Breastfeeding Awards/Recognitions
Early Childcare Education Site / Childcare Center Breastfeeding Awards/Recognitions
Community Breastfeeding Awards/Recognitions

Clinic Breastfeeding Awards/Recognitions
- North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition Employers & Community Partners Award
- North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition Family Friendly Clinic Award for Outpatient Clinics
Hospital/Maternity Center Breastfeeding Awards/Recognitions
Early Childcare Education Site / Childcare Center Breastfeeding Awards/Recognitions
Community Breastfeeding Awards/Recognitions
Online Trainings for Providers and Staff
Online Courses/Trainings for Providers and Staff
- Bella Breastfeeding Provider Training -
(Register/Create account first, then course library page will appear. Search for Bella or Breastfeeding to locate the modules. CMEs for a fee)
- Breastfeeding University - Six free 0.5-hour segments. CMEs available for small fee upon request
- Becoming an IBCLC - (International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners)
- Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute - has many programs including training for lactation consultants.
- HealthConnect One - collaborates with communities across the country to develop culturally-reflective peer-to-peer support programs and initiatives that promote pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and early parenting.
- Health Sciences Course Package
- Lactation Education Course
- Momma’s Village Fayetteville - a Black-led lactation consultant training
- The B.L.A.C.K. Course - The B.L.A.C.K Course is facilitating our 45 Hour Lactation Course for aspiring Black lactation professionals and Non-Black Allies supporting Black Communities. The Course will be taught virtually. Provides the student with a basic knowledge in:
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Communication/Counseling
- And More!
- University at Albany School of Public Health Center for Public Health Continuing Education
- USBC Lactation Support Provider Training Directory
Online Resources
- Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine - Publishes Protocols to Facilitate Best Practices in Breastfeeding Medicine
- American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement - Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk
- Continuity of Care in Breastfeeding Support (NACCHO)
- Contraindications to Breastfeeding or Feeding Expressed Breast Milk to Infants
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025
- How doctors can help. - The surgeon general's call to action to support breastfeeding (cdc.gov)
- How nurses can help. - The Surgeon general's call to action to support breastfeeding (cdc.gov)
- Prescribing contraception for patients who are breastfeeding
- Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2010 - Revised Recommendations for the Use of Contraceptive Methods During the Postpartum Period
- ABM Clinical Protocol #13 - Contraception During Breastfeeding, Revised 2015
- Professional Handouts - Lactation Education Resources
- Ten steps to successful breastfeeding (who.int)
- The Melanated Mammary Atlas® - improves care for the underserved by broadening the health professional knowledge base in real-time, one image at a time. This is the largest database of images of conditions for those with brown skin.
- UNC clinical protocols for nurses (phone triage) and providers

Online Courses/Trainings for Providers and Staff
- Bella Breastfeeding Provider Training - (Register/Create account first, then course library page will appear. Search for Bella or Breastfeeding to locate the modules. CMEs for a fee)
- Breastfeeding University - Six free 0.5-hour segments. CMEs available for small fee upon request
- Becoming an IBCLC - (International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners)
- Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute - has many programs including training for lactation consultants.
- HealthConnect One - collaborates with communities across the country to develop culturally-reflective peer-to-peer support programs and initiatives that promote pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and early parenting.
- Health Sciences Course Package
- Lactation Education Course
- Momma’s Village Fayetteville - a Black-led lactation consultant training
- The B.L.A.C.K. Course - The B.L.A.C.K Course is facilitating our 45 Hour Lactation Course for aspiring Black lactation professionals and Non-Black Allies supporting Black Communities. The Course will be taught virtually. Provides the student with a basic knowledge in:
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Communication/Counseling
- And More!
- University at Albany School of Public Health Center for Public Health Continuing Education
- USBC Lactation Support Provider Training Directory
Online Resources
- Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine - Publishes Protocols to Facilitate Best Practices in Breastfeeding Medicine
- American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement - Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk
- Continuity of Care in Breastfeeding Support (NACCHO)
- Contraindications to Breastfeeding or Feeding Expressed Breast Milk to Infants
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025
- How doctors can help. - The surgeon general's call to action to support breastfeeding (cdc.gov)
- How nurses can help. - The Surgeon general's call to action to support breastfeeding (cdc.gov)
- Prescribing contraception for patients who are breastfeeding
- Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2010 - Revised Recommendations for the Use of Contraceptive Methods During the Postpartum Period
- ABM Clinical Protocol #13 - Contraception During Breastfeeding, Revised 2015
- Professional Handouts - Lactation Education Resources
- Ten steps to successful breastfeeding (who.int)
- The Melanated Mammary Atlas® - improves care for the underserved by broadening the health professional knowledge base in real-time, one image at a time. This is the largest database of images of conditions for those with brown skin.
- UNC clinical protocols for nurses (phone triage) and providers
Other Important Toolkits
- Black Mamas Matter:
A Toolkit for Advancing the Human Right to Safe and Respectful Maternal Health Care
- Breastfeeding Friendly Health Department Toolkit
- Breastfeeding Support and Resources Toolkit
Supports you in your decision to support and encourage breastfeeding in your office by providing a variety of resources, including the American Academy of Family Physicians’ extensively updated, evidence-guided position paper based on the United States Breastfeeding Coalition's Core Competencies, to help you and your office team create a positive breastfeeding environment for your patients.
- Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute’s Continuity of Care Toolkit
- Eat Smart Move More’s Building a Breastfeeding-Friendly Environment in Your Faith Community Toolkit
- Global Breastfeeding Collective Breastfeeding Advocacy Toolkit
A comprehensive collection of advocacy tools and resources aimed at improving policies and financing for the protection, promotion, and support of breastfeeding. Intended for breastfeeding advocates and other stakeholders seeking information and tools to support the Collective’s seven policy actions.
- Indian Health Service’s Breastfeeding Toolkit
- Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies - (IYCF-E) Toolkit
CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) provides information and resources for emergency preparedness and response personnel, families, and the public to ensure that children are fed safely when disaster strikes.
- Lactation Education Resources
Helps you be the best possible lactation consultant by teaching you the skills you need to provide high-quality, evidence-informed care.
Has the most comprehensive, up-to-date online catalog of lactation courses available, bringing together the knowledge of highly experienced and cutting-edge instructors from around the globe. With options for beginning and advanced providers, LER supports your learning throughout your entire lactation consulting career.
- Making It Work Toolkit
Provides clear steps and solutions for business owners, managers, and families for supporting breastfeeding parents at work.
- Optimizing and Supporting Breastfeeding Toolkit
Designed to help obstetricians and gynecologists and other women’s health care providers support patients who choose to breastfeed.
- OSHA Office on Women’s Health Breastfeeding Toolkit
- World Alliance of Breastfeeding Action Warm Chain Cards

- Black Mamas Matter:
A Toolkit for Advancing the Human Right to Safe and Respectful Maternal Health Care - Breastfeeding Friendly Health Department Toolkit
- Breastfeeding Support and Resources Toolkit
Supports you in your decision to support and encourage breastfeeding in your office by providing a variety of resources, including the American Academy of Family Physicians’ extensively updated, evidence-guided position paper based on the United States Breastfeeding Coalition's Core Competencies, to help you and your office team create a positive breastfeeding environment for your patients. - Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute’s Continuity of Care Toolkit
- Eat Smart Move More’s Building a Breastfeeding-Friendly Environment in Your Faith Community Toolkit
- Global Breastfeeding Collective Breastfeeding Advocacy Toolkit
A comprehensive collection of advocacy tools and resources aimed at improving policies and financing for the protection, promotion, and support of breastfeeding. Intended for breastfeeding advocates and other stakeholders seeking information and tools to support the Collective’s seven policy actions. - Indian Health Service’s Breastfeeding Toolkit
- Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies - (IYCF-E) Toolkit
CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) provides information and resources for emergency preparedness and response personnel, families, and the public to ensure that children are fed safely when disaster strikes. - Lactation Education Resources
Helps you be the best possible lactation consultant by teaching you the skills you need to provide high-quality, evidence-informed care.
Has the most comprehensive, up-to-date online catalog of lactation courses available, bringing together the knowledge of highly experienced and cutting-edge instructors from around the globe. With options for beginning and advanced providers, LER supports your learning throughout your entire lactation consulting career. - Making It Work Toolkit
Provides clear steps and solutions for business owners, managers, and families for supporting breastfeeding parents at work. - Optimizing and Supporting Breastfeeding Toolkit
Designed to help obstetricians and gynecologists and other women’s health care providers support patients who choose to breastfeed. - OSHA Office on Women’s Health Breastfeeding Toolkit
- World Alliance of Breastfeeding Action Warm Chain Cards
Patient Care Resources
Printable Resources for Patients
Printable Resources
- Advice about Fish for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Mothers (FDA/EPA)
- Breastfeeding Education for Prenatal and Postpartum Patients (All recommended topics for the NCBC Family Friendly Clinic Award; various sources)
- Nursing Mother’s Workplace Protections (Women’s Bureau United States Department of Labor)
Printable Resources in Multiple Languages
- Afghan BF Resources (Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute)
- Breastfeeding Resources - Multiple Languages (Missouri Department of Health)
- Lactation Education Resources - Multiple Languages
- Links to Resources for Infant Feeding in Emergencies - Multilingual (La Leche League)
- Pregnancy and Baby Care - Multiple Languages (Health Information Translations)
- Vietnamese Resources (Department of Health Services, WIC program in Sacramento, CA)
Printable Resources for Lactation Concerns
- Breast refusal (Lactation Education Resources)
- Colicky baby (Lactation Education Resources)
- Engorgement (Lactation Education Resources)
- Flat or inverted nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Increasing milk supply (Lactation Education Resources)
- Latch and positioning
(Lactation Education Resources)
- Milk let down (Lactation Education Resources)
- Plugged Milk Duct and Mastitis (Lactation Education Resources)
- Signs of a good feeding (Lactation Education Resources)
- Sore nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Thrush (La Leche League GB)
- Tongue tie (Lactation Education Resources)
- Waking a sleeping baby (Lactation Education Resources)
Online Courses for New Moms and Dads
Online Courses for New Moms
Breastfeeding 101: From Prenatal Prep to Pumping | Tinyhood
Ready Set Baby Live Online Classes - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Online Courses for New Dads
Strong Start: Dad’s Role in Supporting Breastfeeding
If your business or clinic is interested in QR Code cards to provide to new dads, please contact info@breastfeednc.com for more information.
Food Insecurity in Prenatal and Postpartum Patients
Programs That Can Help
SNAP Screener
SNAP provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.
- WIC Screener
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 who are found to be at nutritional risk.
- Find help with basic needs like food, housing, transportation, utilities, and more: NC 211
- Find Your Local Food Pantry
- Food and Nutrition Services (Food Stamps)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
- NC Food and Nutrition Resource Programs
- North Carolina State Nutrition Action Coalition (NC SNAC)
- North Carolina WIC
- North Carolina WIC Families - Referral Form
Prenatal Breastfeeding Support Group
Support Group Topics
- Alcohol & Breast Milk - HealthyChildren.org
- Applying for WIC
- Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom - HealthyChildren.org
- Breastfeeding Begins Before Birth
- First feedings
- Colostrum: Your Baby's First Meal - HealthyChildren.org
- Tips for Feeding After Delivery
- I Wish Someone Had Told Me
- What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag
- Why It Matters | Breastfeeding | CDC
Recommended Online Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes
- Breastfeeding 101: From Prenatal Prep to Pumping | Tinyhood
- Ready Set Baby Live Online Classes - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Postpartum Breastfeeding Support Group
Support Group Topics
Family and social support
- Calming a crying baby
- Diet considerations for BF mother
- Help from friend and family
- Hunger cues
- Survival guide for first two weeks
Breastfeeding in public
- State Breastfeeding Laws
All fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location.
Going back to work
- Child care subsidy
- Helping BF babies accept the bottle
- Nursing Mother Workplace Protections
- Storage and handling of breastmilk
- The Employed BF Mother
- Tips for daycare provider
Interactions with BF
- Alcohol & Breast Milk - HealthyChildren.org
- Birth Control and Breastfeeding - HealthyChildren.org
- Transfer of Drugs and Therapeutics in Breastmilk
- Herbal Products
- Contraceptives
- Vaccines
- Drugs of Abuse
Lactating Concerns
- Breast refusal (Lactation Education Resources)
- Colicky baby (Lactation Education Resources)
- Engorgement (Lactation Education Resources)
- Flat or inverted nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Increasing milk supply (Lactation Education Resources)
- Latch and positioning
(Lactation Education Resources)
- Milk let down (Lactation Education Resources)
- Plugged Milk Duct and Mastitis (Lactation Education Resources)
- Signs of a good feeding (Lactation Education Resources)
- Sore nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Thrush (La Leche League GB)
- Tongue tie (Lactation Education Resources)
- Waking a sleeping baby (Lactation Education Resources)
Printable Resources for Patients
Printable Resources
- Advice about Fish for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Mothers (FDA/EPA)
- Breastfeeding Education for Prenatal and Postpartum Patients (All recommended topics for the NCBC Family Friendly Clinic Award; various sources)
- Nursing Mother’s Workplace Protections (Women’s Bureau United States Department of Labor)
Printable Resources in Multiple Languages
- Afghan BF Resources (Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute)
- Breastfeeding Resources - Multiple Languages (Missouri Department of Health)
- Lactation Education Resources - Multiple Languages
- Links to Resources for Infant Feeding in Emergencies - Multilingual (La Leche League)
- Pregnancy and Baby Care - Multiple Languages (Health Information Translations)
- Vietnamese Resources (Department of Health Services, WIC program in Sacramento, CA)
Printable Resources for Lactation Concerns
- Breast refusal (Lactation Education Resources)
- Colicky baby (Lactation Education Resources)
- Engorgement (Lactation Education Resources)
- Flat or inverted nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Increasing milk supply (Lactation Education Resources)
- Latch and positioning
(Lactation Education Resources)
- Milk let down (Lactation Education Resources)
- Plugged Milk Duct and Mastitis (Lactation Education Resources)
- Signs of a good feeding (Lactation Education Resources)
- Sore nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Thrush (La Leche League GB)
- Tongue tie (Lactation Education Resources)
- Waking a sleeping baby (Lactation Education Resources)

Printable Resources
- Advice about Fish for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Mothers (FDA/EPA)
- Breastfeeding Education for Prenatal and Postpartum Patients (All recommended topics for the NCBC Family Friendly Clinic Award; various sources)
- Nursing Mother’s Workplace Protections (Women’s Bureau United States Department of Labor)
Printable Resources in Multiple Languages
- Afghan BF Resources (Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute)
- Breastfeeding Resources - Multiple Languages (Missouri Department of Health)
- Lactation Education Resources - Multiple Languages
- Links to Resources for Infant Feeding in Emergencies - Multilingual (La Leche League)
- Pregnancy and Baby Care - Multiple Languages (Health Information Translations)
- Vietnamese Resources (Department of Health Services, WIC program in Sacramento, CA)
Printable Resources for Lactation Concerns
- Breast refusal (Lactation Education Resources)
- Colicky baby (Lactation Education Resources)
- Engorgement (Lactation Education Resources)
- Flat or inverted nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Increasing milk supply (Lactation Education Resources)
- Latch and positioning (Lactation Education Resources)
- Milk let down (Lactation Education Resources)
- Plugged Milk Duct and Mastitis (Lactation Education Resources)
- Signs of a good feeding (Lactation Education Resources)
- Sore nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Thrush (La Leche League GB)
- Tongue tie (Lactation Education Resources)
- Waking a sleeping baby (Lactation Education Resources)
Online Courses for New Moms and Dads
Online Courses for New Moms
Breastfeeding 101: From Prenatal Prep to Pumping | Tinyhood
Ready Set Baby Live Online Classes - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Online Courses for New Dads
Strong Start: Dad’s Role in Supporting Breastfeeding
If your business or clinic is interested in QR Code cards to provide to new dads, please contact info@breastfeednc.com for more information.

Online Courses for New Moms
- Breastfeeding 101: From Prenatal Prep to Pumping | Tinyhood
- Ready Set Baby Live Online Classes - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Online Courses for New Dads
- Strong Start: Dad’s Role in Supporting Breastfeeding
- If your business or clinic is interested in QR Code cards to provide to new dads, please contact info@breastfeednc.com for more information.
Food Insecurity in Prenatal and Postpartum Patients
Programs That Can Help
SNAP Screener
SNAP provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.
- WIC Screener
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 who are found to be at nutritional risk.
- Find help with basic needs like food, housing, transportation, utilities, and more: NC 211
- Find Your Local Food Pantry
- Food and Nutrition Services (Food Stamps)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
- NC Food and Nutrition Resource Programs
- North Carolina State Nutrition Action Coalition (NC SNAC)
- North Carolina WIC
- North Carolina WIC Families - Referral Form

Programs That Can Help
SNAP Screener
SNAP provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency. - WIC Screener
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 who are found to be at nutritional risk.
- Find help with basic needs like food, housing, transportation, utilities, and more: NC 211
- Find Your Local Food Pantry
- Food and Nutrition Services (Food Stamps)
- Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
- NC Food and Nutrition Resource Programs
- North Carolina State Nutrition Action Coalition (NC SNAC)
- North Carolina WIC
- North Carolina WIC Families - Referral Form
Prenatal Breastfeeding Support Group
Support Group Topics
- Alcohol & Breast Milk - HealthyChildren.org
- Applying for WIC
- Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom - HealthyChildren.org
- Breastfeeding Begins Before Birth
- First feedings
- Colostrum: Your Baby's First Meal - HealthyChildren.org
- Tips for Feeding After Delivery
- I Wish Someone Had Told Me
- What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag
- Why It Matters | Breastfeeding | CDC
Recommended Online Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes
- Breastfeeding 101: From Prenatal Prep to Pumping | Tinyhood
- Ready Set Baby Live Online Classes - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health

Support Group Topics
- Alcohol & Breast Milk - HealthyChildren.org
- Applying for WIC
- Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom - HealthyChildren.org
- Breastfeeding Begins Before Birth
- First feedings
- Colostrum: Your Baby's First Meal - HealthyChildren.org
- Tips for Feeding After Delivery
- I Wish Someone Had Told Me
- What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag
- Why It Matters | Breastfeeding | CDC
Recommended Online Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes
- Breastfeeding 101: From Prenatal Prep to Pumping | Tinyhood
- Ready Set Baby Live Online Classes - UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Postpartum Breastfeeding Support Group
Support Group Topics
Family and social support
- Calming a crying baby
- Diet considerations for BF mother
- Help from friend and family
- Hunger cues
- Survival guide for first two weeks
Breastfeeding in public
- State Breastfeeding Laws
All fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location.
Going back to work
- Child care subsidy
- Helping BF babies accept the bottle
- Nursing Mother Workplace Protections
- Storage and handling of breastmilk
- The Employed BF Mother
- Tips for daycare provider
Interactions with BF
- Alcohol & Breast Milk - HealthyChildren.org
- Birth Control and Breastfeeding - HealthyChildren.org
- Transfer of Drugs and Therapeutics in Breastmilk
- Herbal Products
- Contraceptives
- Vaccines
- Drugs of Abuse
Lactating Concerns
- Breast refusal (Lactation Education Resources)
- Colicky baby (Lactation Education Resources)
- Engorgement (Lactation Education Resources)
- Flat or inverted nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Increasing milk supply (Lactation Education Resources)
- Latch and positioning
(Lactation Education Resources)
- Milk let down (Lactation Education Resources)
- Plugged Milk Duct and Mastitis (Lactation Education Resources)
- Signs of a good feeding (Lactation Education Resources)
- Sore nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Thrush (La Leche League GB)
- Tongue tie (Lactation Education Resources)
- Waking a sleeping baby (Lactation Education Resources)

Support Group Topics
Family and social support
- Calming a crying baby
- Diet considerations for BF mother
- Help from friend and family
- Hunger cues
- Survival guide for first two weeks
Breastfeeding in public
- State Breastfeeding Laws
All fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location.
Going back to work
- Child care subsidy
- Helping BF babies accept the bottle
- Nursing Mother Workplace Protections
- Storage and handling of breastmilk
- The Employed BF Mother
- Tips for daycare provider
Interactions with BF
- Alcohol & Breast Milk - HealthyChildren.org
- Birth Control and Breastfeeding - HealthyChildren.org
- Transfer of Drugs and Therapeutics in Breastmilk
- Herbal Products
- Contraceptives
- Vaccines
- Drugs of Abuse
Lactating Concerns
- Breast refusal (Lactation Education Resources)
- Colicky baby (Lactation Education Resources)
- Engorgement (Lactation Education Resources)
- Flat or inverted nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Increasing milk supply (Lactation Education Resources)
- Latch and positioning (Lactation Education Resources)
- Milk let down (Lactation Education Resources)
- Plugged Milk Duct and Mastitis (Lactation Education Resources)
- Signs of a good feeding (Lactation Education Resources)
- Sore nipples (Lactation Education Resources)
- Thrush (La Leche League GB)
- Tongue tie (Lactation Education Resources)
- Waking a sleeping baby (Lactation Education Resources)